Top 13 Emotional Intelligence Interview Questions & Answers


Today, emotional intelligence (EI) has become a crucial skillset, especially during job interviews. 

Recognizing, comprehending, controlling, and constructively employing emotions for stress reduction, clear communication, empathy, conquering obstacles, and conflict resolution are all components of emotional intelligence. It includes the ability to skillfully manage emotions for both individual and social development.

This skill is increasingly sought after by employers who value not only what you can do but how you interact with others in the workplace. 

It’s about being aware of your emotions and those of others, regulating these emotions in ourselves and in our relationships. And applying this awareness to guide our behavior and thinking in diverse situations. 

A series of questions is designed to evaluate candidates’ emotional intelligence (EI) in order to dive into EI during job interviews. These questions aim to learn more about the applicants’ emotional intelligence, stress management, teamwork, and compassionate leadership.

Understanding these questions and preparing thoughtful, reflective answers can significantly enhance your chances of success. 

Let’s dive into the interview questions and answers, offering insights into what each question seeks and tips on crafting your responses.

13 Emotional Intelligence Interview Questions & Answers

Question: Describe a situation where you had to work closely with someone whose personality was very different from yours.

Sample Answer:

“In a previous role, I was paired with a colleague for a long-term project who had a very different working style from mine. I am very detail-oriented and prefer to plan my work meticulously, while my colleague was more spontaneous and preferred a flexible approach. Initially, this difference led to some friction, as I felt anxious about the lack of structure and he felt constrained by too much planning.

To address this, I proposed a meeting to discuss our working styles and how we could leverage our differences to benefit the project. During the meeting, I actively listened to my colleague’s perspective and acknowledged the strengths of his flexible approach. We agreed on a hybrid method where we would set clear milestones for the project but leave room for flexibility in how we achieved them.

This approach not only improved our collaboration but also taught me the value of adaptability and embracing diverse working styles. The project was a success, and our combined strengths led to innovative solutions that neither of us might have developed on our own. This experience underscored for me the importance of empathy, communication, and flexibility in building strong, productive teams.”

Question: Tell me about a time you had to manage a highly stressful situation at work.

Sample Answer:

“There was a situation in my last job where a critical deadline was moved up unexpectedly, putting our team under a lot of pressure. I could see the stress levels rising among the team members, including myself. Recognizing the impact this stress could have on our performance and wellbeing, I took several steps to manage the situation.

First, I organized a brief team meeting to acknowledge the challenge and express confidence in our ability to meet the deadline. I encouraged open communication and asked everyone to share their concerns and suggestions. This helped to alleviate some of the immediate stress by making everyone feel heard and supported.

Then, I worked with the team to reprioritize our tasks and identify any areas where we could streamline our efforts or allocate resources more efficiently. I also implemented short, daily check-ins to monitor our progress and address any issues promptly.

Personally, I made sure to manage my stress by taking short breaks to clear my mind and maintain focus. I also practiced mindfulness exercises to stay calm and composed.

Thanks to our collective efforts and the strategies we put in place, we were able to meet the revised deadline without compromising on the quality of our work. This experience reinforced the importance of proactive stress management, clear communication, and teamwork in navigating high-pressure situations.”

Question: Can you give an example of how you showed empathy towards a colleague facing a difficult personal situation?

Sample Answer:

“Recently, a colleague of mine was going through a tough personal issue that was affecting his mood and productivity at work. I noticed he was more reserved than usual and seemed to be struggling. Remembering the importance of empathy in creating a supportive work environment, I decided to reach out.

I approached him privately and expressed my concern, making it clear that I was there to listen if he felt like talking. I emphasized that he wasn’t alone and that we, as a team, were there to support him.

He opened up about his situation, and while I didn’t have all the answers, I listened attentively and offered words of support. I also suggested resources within our company that could provide additional support and offered to help lighten his workload until he felt more like himself.

My colleague later thanked me for the support and said it made a significant difference in how he coped with his situation. This experience was a powerful reminder of how simple acts of kindness and understanding can have a profound impact on others’ lives. It reinforced my belief in the importance of empathy and being there for one another, especially during difficult times.”

Question: How do you handle criticism at work?

Sample Answer:

“I view criticism as an opportunity for growth, so when I receive constructive feedback, I first take a moment to process it without reacting defensively. 

For example, in my last role, my manager pointed out that my reports were often more detailed than necessary, which could overwhelm stakeholders. Rather than taking it personally, I thanked him for the feedback and asked for specific examples to better understand his perspective. 

I then worked on adjusting the level of detail in my reports, focusing on clarity and conciseness. This experience taught me the value of embracing feedback to improve my work and the importance of maintaining open communication with my team and superiors.”

Question: Give an example of how you motivated a team during a challenging period.

Sample Answer:

“During a particularly challenging quarter when our team was underperforming, morale was low.I realized we needed to encourage one another and redirect our efforts as a team. To ensure that everyone felt heard and appreciated, I called a team meeting where we could candidly discuss our problems and come up with solutions. I highlighted the fortitude and qualities of our team by telling inspirational tales and providing instances of previous accomplishments.

Additionally, I introduced small, achievable goals to help build momentum. Celebrating each milestone, no matter how small, reinvigorated the team’s spirit. 

This approach not only improved our performance by the end of the quarter but also strengthened our bond as a team.”

Question: Describe a time when you had to adjust your communication style to better connect with someone.

Sample Answer:

“In my previous role, I worked with a colleague who was very introverted and often communicated via email, even though we sat next to each other. 

I realized that my usual direct and fast-paced communication style might be overwhelming for him. To foster a better working relationship, I started by sending thoughtful emails in response to his queries and occasionally followed up with a gentle, in-person check-in to discuss more complex issues. 

Over time, this approach helped us build a rapport, and he became more comfortable engaging in direct conversations. This experience underscored the importance of adapting my communication style to meet others’ needs.”

Question: How do you ensure your decisions are fair and unbiased?

Sample Answer:

“To ensure my decisions are fair and unbiased, I follow a structured approach. 

For instance, when I was responsible for selecting team members for a high-profile project, I set clear, objective criteria for selection and involved another manager in the decision-making process for added transparency. I also made a conscious effort to challenge any personal biases by reflecting on my reasoning and considering diverse perspectives. 

This approach not only helped in making a fair decision but also demonstrated to the team my commitment to equity and inclusivity.”

Question: Share an instance when empathy helped you navigate a difficult conversation at work.

Sample Answer:

“I once had to discuss performance issues with a team member who was usually very diligent but had been underperforming. Recognizing the sensitivity of the situation, I approached the conversation with empathy. Expressing concern for their well-being and asking if there were external factors impacting their work. It turned out they were going through a difficult personal situation. Understanding the context, I worked with them to adjust deadlines and offered support resources. 

This empathetic approach not only helped in effectively addressing the performance issue but also strengthened trust within the team.”

Question: Can you talk about a time when you had to lead by influence rather than authority?

Sample Answer:

“In my role as a project coordinator, I once led a cross-departmental initiative without having direct authority over the team members. To gain their buy-in and commitment, I focused on building relationships. Understanding their individual goals and concerns, and clearly communicating the project’s benefits. I also shared success stories and recognized contributions publicly to foster a sense of ownership and pride in the work. 

By leading through influence, I was able to motivate the team to collaborate effectively and achieve our project goals ahead of schedule.”

Question: Describe how you handle working under pressure.

Sample Answer:

“Working under pressure is something I’ve learned to manage effectively through planning and prioritization. For example, during a tight deadline for a critical project, I broke down the work into manageable tasks and prioritized them based on urgency and impact. I also communicated openly with my team and stakeholders about progress and any potential bottlenecks. 

To stay focused, I took short breaks to clear my mind and practiced mindfulness exercises. This approach helped me maintain my composure, deliver quality work on time, and support my team in doing the same.”

Question: How do you foster a positive work environment, even during challenging times?

Sample Answer:

“Fostering a positive work environment, especially during challenging times, requires a deliberate effort to maintain open communication and emphasize team support. For example, during a period of significant organizational change, I noticed that uncertainty was affecting team morale. I initiated weekly team meetings where everyone could voice their concerns and suggestions in a safe space. I made it a point to share any updates I had transparently and to highlight the opportunities that changes might bring.

Additionally, I organized team-building activities that were not only fun but also reinforced our collective strengths and resilience. 

By maintaining positivity, encouraging dialogue, and reinforcing our shared goals, we were able to navigate through the changes more cohesively and with a stronger sense of purpose.”

Question: Tell me about a time when you had to rely on your emotional intelligence to lead a project successfully.

Sample Answer:

“Leading a project to its successful completion using emotional intelligence was crucial when I took charge of a team that had recently experienced a failure. The team’s confidence was low, and there was a palpable sense of demotivation. Recognizing the need for emotional healing and rebuilding confidence, I started with one-on-one meetings to understand each team member’s feelings and perspectives about the past project. As I emphasized that setbacks were chances for progress, I acknowledged my personal weaknesses and failings.

Following that, I made sure every team member knew their responsibilities and the value they contributed to the team by setting clear, attainable goals for the new project. It’s something I tried to do, to acknowledge little victories and offer helpful criticism.By actively listening, encouraging, and showing confidence in the team’s abilities, we not only completed the project successfully but also built a more resilient and motivated team. This experience underscored for me the power of emotional intelligence in leadership.”

Question: Can you describe a situation where you had to manage both your emotions and those of others during a crisis?

Sample Answer:

“There was a critical incident where a major client threatened to end their contract due to dissatisfaction with a project deliverable. The news caused immediate panic among the team, and emotions were running high. I recognized the need to manage both my reaction and the team’s to navigate this crisis effectively.

First, I took a moment to compose myself, focusing on the need for calm leadership. To resolve the problem, I called an emergency meeting of the team. I began by stating that the matter was serious and that there were strong feelings involved, but I emphasized that we needed to focus our efforts on finding a solution. I pushed for open communication so that team members could voice their worries and suggestions.

Together, we developed a plan to address the client’s concerns, involving immediate corrective measures and longer-term quality improvements. I also reached out to the client to communicate our commitment to resolving the issue, providing regular updates on our progress.

Throughout this crisis, I emphasized staying solution-focused, maintaining open communication, and supporting each other. By managing our emotions and working together constructively, we not only retained the client but also strengthened our team’s resilience and problem-solving capabilities.”

Wrapping Up…

Understanding and articulating your emotional intelligence during interviews can significantly enhance your candidacy. 

By preparing thoughtful responses to these top 13 emotional intelligence interview questions, you demonstrate not only your technical abilities but also your capacity to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics. 

Remember, it’s your unique combination of skills, experiences, and emotional competencies that makes you stand out as a candidate.


  • What is emotional intelligence?

“Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand, use, and manage our own emotions in positive ways to communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict.”

  • How can emotional intelligence benefit my career?

“Emotional intelligence can improve leadership skills, enhance interpersonal relationships, increase adaptability, and improve decision-making, leading to better job performance and career advancement opportunities.”

  • What are some ways to improve my emotional intelligence?

“To improve your EI, practice self-awareness, work on empathy by listening to others, enhance social skills through effective communication, and learn to manage your emotions and stress.”

  • Can emotional intelligence be measured?

“Yes, emotional intelligence can be measured using specific assessments designed to evaluate various aspects of EI, such as self-awareness, empathy, and relationship management.”

  • How does emotional intelligence influence teamwork?

“Emotional intelligence enhances teamwork by improving communication, fostering empathy among team members, facilitating conflict resolution, and creating a positive work environment.”

  • How can I demonstrate emotional intelligence in an interview?

“Showcase emotional intelligence in an interview by sharing examples of how you’ve managed emotions, resolved conflicts, led teams with empathy, and responded adaptable to change.”


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