15 Finest Answers to “What Are Your Weaknesses?”


Unlike the typical interview questions that ask about your strengths, one question that often gets asked is “Tell me about your weaknesses”.

But why would the interviewer ask about your weaknesses?

This is what your first step is before we start talking about the suitable answers to “What are your weaknesses”.

The interviewer asks this question to:

  1. Check if you know yourself well.
  2. See how you handle tough situations.
  3. Find out if you can learn and adapt.
  4. Verify if you’re honest about your weaknesses.
  5. Understand how you face professional challenges.
  6. Want real and honest responses from you.
  7. Encourage you to think about your career journey and improvement.

Once you understand the motive behind asking about your weaknesses, you are better prepared to answer this interview question with the utmost clarity and confidence.

The next step is to know what not to do when talking about your weaknesses in an interview. 

As I’ve trained thousands of candidates, I find very common mistakes while answering questions about weaknesses. 

Common mistakes while answering “What are your weaknesses?”

common mistakes while answering what are your weakness question

These common mistakes while answering “What are your weaknesses?” are:

  1. Some candidates dodge the question or provide overly positive responses, missing an opportunity to showcase self-awareness and growth.
  1. On the other extreme, candidates may paint an excessively negative picture of themselves, potentially raising concerns about their confidence or ability to contribute positively.
  1. Providing weaknesses unrelated to the professional context can detract from the interview’s focus and may not offer valuable insights into your work-related areas for improvement.
  1. Using clichéd answers like “I’m a perfectionist” without personalizing them to the role or failing to tailor responses to the specific context can make candidates appear insincere or unprepared.
  1. Offering an extensive list of weaknesses can overwhelm the interviewer and dilute the impact of your response. It’s more effective to focus on one or two relevant weaknesses.
  1. Failing to demonstrate how you’re actively working on your weaknesses can leave the interviewer with concerns about your ability to grow and adapt.

So, make sure you avoid these mistakes to give a better impression to the interviewer. 

Now that we understand the reason for asking “What are your weaknesses?” in an interview and the major common mistakes to avoid, let’s talk about some of the best responses to this interview question.

Best Answers for “What are your weaknesses?”

best answers for what are your weaknesses

🔸 “I tend to overanalyze situations.”


Overanalyzing can lead to delays in decision-making. Acknowledging this demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to streamlining processes for more efficient decision-making.

Sample Answer:

“I have noticed that I tend to overanalyze situations, sometimes leading to delays in decision-making. While thorough consideration is valuable, I am working on balancing analysis with a more efficient decision-making process. This involves recognizing when detailed analysis is necessary and when it’s more beneficial to make timely decisions, particularly in fast-paced environments.”

🔸 “I struggle with adapting to new technology quickly.”


In rapidly evolving workplaces, adapting to new technology is crucial. Admitting this weakness demonstrates humility and a commitment to staying current by actively seeking opportunities for tech skill development.

Sample Answer:

“I recognize that adapting to new technology quickly is an area for improvement. In today’s dynamic work environment, staying current is essential. I am proactive in seeking training opportunities, attending workshops, and staying informed about emerging technologies to enhance my proficiency and ensure I contribute effectively to the technological demands of the role.”

🔸 “I sometimes find it challenging to delegate tasks.”


In rapidly evolving workplaces, adapting to new technology is crucial. Admitting this weakness demonstrates humility and a commitment to staying current by actively seeking opportunities for tech skill development.

Sample Answer:

“I recognize that adapting to new technology quickly is an area for improvement. In today’s dynamic work environment, staying current is essential. I am proactive in seeking training opportunities, attending workshops, and staying informed about emerging technologies to enhance my proficiency and ensure I contribute effectively to the technological demands of the role.”

🔸 “I tend to be too self-critical.”


Being overly self-critical can impact confidence and morale. Acknowledging this weakness demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to fostering a healthier self-perception.

Sample Answer:

“I’ve observed a tendency to be too self-critical, which can impact my confidence. While self-reflection is valuable, I am actively working on cultivating a more balanced perspective. This involves acknowledging my achievements and focusing on continuous improvement without being excessively critical, contributing to a healthier and more positive work mindset.”

🔸 “I’m not always comfortable with public speaking.”


Public speaking is a common challenge. Admitting this weakness demonstrates honesty and a proactive approach to personal development by actively seeking opportunities to improve communication skills.

Sample Answer:

“I’m not always comfortable with public speaking. Recognizing the importance of effective communication, I am actively addressing this by seeking opportunities to speak in public forums, enrolling in communication courses, and practicing regularly. This commitment ensures continual improvement in my ability to convey ideas confidently and persuasively.”

🔸 “I sometimes struggle with prioritizing tasks.”


Effective task prioritization is vital for productivity. Acknowledging this weakness demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to refining organizational skills for enhanced efficiency.

Sample Answer:

“At times, I find it challenging to prioritize tasks effectively. Recognizing the importance of efficient time management, I am actively working on improving my prioritization skills. This involves assessing tasks based on urgency and importance, ensuring that I focus on high-impact activities to maximize productivity.”

🔸 “I can be too detail-oriented.”


While attention to detail is valuable, excessive focus can hinder efficiency. Acknowledging this weakness demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to balance for more effective task completion.

Sample Answer:

“I tend to be highly detail-oriented, sometimes to the point where it can slow down tasks. Recognizing the need for efficiency, I am learning to strike a balance by prioritizing key details and streamlining processes. This ensures that I maintain high-quality work while meeting deadlines more effectively.”

🔸 “I tend to be too independent in my work.”


Independence is valuable, but collaboration is often essential. Acknowledging this weakness demonstrates humility and a commitment to fostering teamwork for more comprehensive and innovative results.

Sample Answer:

“I’ve noticed a tendency to be too independent in my work. While autonomy is important, I am actively working on enhancing my collaborative skills. This involves seeking input from colleagues, sharing ideas more openly, and appreciating the collective strength of a team to achieve greater innovation and success.”

🔸 “I struggle with adapting to sudden changes in plans.”


Adaptability is crucial in dynamic work environments. Acknowledging this weakness demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to developing resilience by actively seeking exposure to varied and unpredictable situations.

Sample Answer:

“I sometimes find it challenging to adapt to sudden changes in plans. Recognizing the importance of adaptability, I am intentionally seeking roles and projects that expose me to dynamic situations. This hands-on approach ensures that I continually develop resilience and the ability to navigate unexpected changes effectively.”

🔸 “I have difficulty letting go of unsuccessful projects.”


Emotional attachment to projects can hinder progress. Acknowledging this weakness demonstrates honesty and a commitment to strategic decision-making by recognizing when to move on for the overall project and personal growth.

Sample Answer:

“I’ve observed that I can have difficulty letting go of unsuccessful projects. Recognizing the importance of strategic decision-making, I am actively working on developing a mindset that allows me to assess projects objectively. This involves understanding when it’s time to move on, ensuring a more efficient allocation of time and resources for future endeavors.”

🔸 “I sometimes struggle with maintaining work-life balance.”


Achieving work-life balance is a common challenge. Acknowledging this weakness demonstrates honesty and a commitment to personal well-being, highlighting an awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy equilibrium.

Sample Answer:

“At times, I find it challenging to maintain a work-life balance. Recognizing the significance of personal well-being, I am actively implementing strategies to manage my time more effectively. This involves setting clear boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and ensuring that both professional and personal aspects of my life receive the attention they deserve.”

🔸 “I can be too focused on the big picture and overlook details.”


Balancing a focus on the big picture with attention to detail is essential. Acknowledging this weakness demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to refining skills for a more comprehensive and accurate approach to tasks.

Sample Answer:

“I tend to be more focused on the big picture, occasionally overlooking details. Recognizing the importance of a well-rounded approach, I am actively working on enhancing my attention to detail. This involves implementing systematic checks and ensuring that both the broader vision and finer details are adequately addressed for optimal outcomes.”

🔸 “I struggle with managing my time efficiently.”


Effective time management is crucial for productivity. Acknowledging this weakness demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to refining organizational skills for enhanced efficiency.

Sample Answer:

“I sometimes find it challenging to manage my time efficiently. Recognizing the importance of effective time management, I am actively working on improving my organizational skills. This involves prioritizing tasks, setting realistic deadlines, and implementing time-blocking techniques to ensure optimal productivity.”

🔸 “I tend to overthink decisions.”


Overthinking can lead to delays and indecision. Acknowledging this weakness demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to streamlining decision-making processes for more efficient outcomes.

Sample Answer:

“I’ve noticed that I have a tendency to overthink decisions, sometimes leading to delays in the decision-making process. Recognizing the importance of timely and effective decision-making, I am actively working on finding a balance between thoughtful consideration and expeditious decision-making. This involves assessing when in-depth analysis is necessary and when it’s more beneficial to make timely decisions, particularly in fast-paced environments.”

🔸“I sometimes find it challenging to ask for help.”


Challenges in asking for help may stem from a desire for self-sufficiency and a concern about burdening others. Acknowledging this weakness demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to fostering a more collaborative and supportive work environment.

Sample Answer:

“I find challenges in asking for help. I’ve always taken great pride in my work, and there’s a part of me that prefers to figure things out independently. However, I recognize the importance of collaboration and the strength that comes from pooling our collective knowledge. To address this, I am actively working on overcoming my hesitation to seek assistance when needed. I’ve started reaching out to colleagues with more experience in specific areas, understanding that their insights can enhance the quality of our work and contribute to a more supportive and collaborative work environment.”

Related : “Tell Me About Your Weaknesses” Like a Pro

Wrapping Up…

Here are some important points to consider while preparing for the “What are your weaknesses?” interview question.

important points to consider while preparing for the interview

✅ Do’s:

1. Select weaknesses that won’t directly hinder your ability to excel in the specific role.

2. Demonstrate a positive outcome or learning experience resulting from overcoming past weaknesses.

3. Highlight the proactive measures you’re taking to improve and showcase your commitment to personal development.

❎ Don’ts:

1. Avoid sounding rehearsed; strive for authenticity in your responses.

2. Keep your weaknesses relevant to the professional context and the job requirements.

3. Be specific and provide real, personalized weaknesses rather than relying on clichéd and overused terms.

4. Briefly acknowledge the weakness, but focus more on the steps you’re taking to improve rather than dwelling on the negative aspect.

Remember, if you answer correctly, your weaknesses can change the whole interview game and increase your chances of getting hired.


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