10 Proven Ways To Handle Interview Anxiety 


Imagine this: you’re sitting at your desk, working away when suddenly, an email notification pops up. 

You open it to find an interview invitation. 

Excitement courses through your veins; this is the chance you’ve been waiting for. But as you reread the message, a subtle wave of nervousness washes over you. 

It’s the classic ’emotional rollercoaster’ that many of us have experienced.

If you feel the same then let me tell you, you are not alone. 

Interview nervousness or anxiety is a common challenge that many candidates like you face, but with the right strategies and preparation, you can conquer it and perform at your best. 

In this blog post, we will explore a comprehensive guide on overcoming interview nervousness to maintaining confidence during the interview.

Let’s dive in.

10 Proven Strategies to Tackle Interview Anxiety

how to cope with anxiety during a job interview

 1. Prepare Thoroughly

When it comes to reducing interview nervousness, preparation is your best friend. Research the company extensively, and understand its culture, products, services, and recent developments. Knowledge is power, and being well-informed about the company boosts your confidence.

A little extra tip: research not just the company but also your interviewers. It could give you a leg up in the conversation.

2.  Practice Interview Questions

Ever heard the saying “Practice makes perfect”? It applies to interviews too. Expect common questions and rehearse your responses. The internet is full of typical interview questions – start there.

Anticipate the questions you might be asked during the interview. There are numerous online resources with lists of common interview questions. Practice your responses to these questions, refining your answers as you go.

3.  Mock Interviews

practice mock interviews to handle interview anxiety

Interviewing is a bit like performing on stage. What do the pros do? They rehearse. So, grab a friend, family member, or mentor, and have a mock interview. 

This isn’t just about getting comfortable with the questions; it’s about getting feedback. They might notice habits you weren’t aware of, like fidgeting or speaking too fast. 

These insights are pure gold for your improvement.

4. Rehearse Your Answers

Don’t just think about your responses—say them out loud. Practice your answers to questions to articulate your thoughts more clearly during the actual interview.

It’s not about scripted responses but about ensuring you’re well-prepared to communicate your qualifications effectively. When you rehearse, you’re investing in your ability to convey your value and potential to your potential employer. 

So, make rehearsing a regular part of your interview preparation, and when the big day arrives, your answers will flow with confidence and clarity, leaving a lasting impression.

5.  Develop STAR Stories

star method to reduce anxiety

Ever had someone captivate you with a story? That’s what you’re aiming for when answering those “Tell me about a time when…” questions. 

Use STAR – Situation, Task, Action, Result. It’s like a storytelling formula that makes your experiences come to life. And remember, your story should show not only what you did but the positive impact it had.

 6. Visualize Success

Before the big interview, take some time to visualize yourself succeeding. Positive visualization can do wonders for your confidence and can help you to feel more ready and prepared for the interview.  

You can do this by picturing yourself doing the interview successfully, with no mistakes.  This can help you to feel more confident and prepared, and it can also help to reduce any anxiety or nerves you might be feeling.

7.  Control Your Breathing

Deep breathing exercises are a well-known technique for calming your nerves and reducing anxiety. Before the interview, take a few moments to take slow, deep breaths to relax and reduce anxiety. This will help you to feel more confident and ready for the interview.

8.  Get Plenty of Rest

It’s important to get a good night’s sleep before your interview to ensure you are as well-rested as possible. Being well-rested will help you stay alert and focused during the interview, which will make the experience more positive for both you and the interviewer.

Here are some more reasons why getting plenty of rest is absolutely crucial:

  • The ability to think clearly and recall boosts.
  • It enhances your emotional resilience.
  • It also impacts your ability to communicate effectively.
  •  A well-rested individual tends to approach challenges with a more positive attitude.

9. Dress Appropriately

Select your dress in advance, and ensure it’s clean and fits perfectly. When you feel great in your outfit, you’ll naturally exude confidence.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when selecting your interview attire:

  • Research the company culture
  • Comfort matters
  • Pay attention to accessories and grooming 
  • If you are unsure, seek a second opinion

So, when you put on that well-chosen outfit, step into the interview room with your head held high, knowing you’ve dressed for success.

 10. Stay Positive

staying positive and confident to avoid nervousness

During moments of nervousness, focus on your accomplishments and strengths. Remind yourself that the interview is an opportunity for both you and the employer to determine if you’re a good fit. 

If you’re qualified for the position, it’ll be an opportunity to show off your skills and get a good impression of you. If you’re not qualified, it’ll be an opportunity to see if you can adapt and learn. 

Either way, it’s an opportunity to make a good first impression. So stay positive.

Related : How To Be Confident In A Job Interview?


Remember, feeling nervous before an interview is normal. Acknowledge your nervousness and channel it into energy to perform at your best.

Also overcoming interview anxiety is a skill that can be honed with practice and preparation. 

By embracing thorough preparation, maintaining a positive mindset, and learning from your experiences, you’re well on your way to acing your next interview confidently. 

You’ve got this.


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