How to Write LinkedIn Recommendations [with Examples]


In today’s world, where we’re all connected online, LinkedIn recommendations are super important. 

They serve as a testimonial to your abilities and work ethic from those who have really collaborated with you. Writing a strong recommendation may also make your coworkers appear amazing to others, and it also helps you look good for being such a helpful colleague.

This guide is here to help you out. 

We’ll walk you through the process of writing suggestions that have an impact, using some simple examples. Moreover, the individual you are writing for and those who are interested in hiring or collaborating with them would truly value these.

Understanding the Value of a LinkedIn Recommendation

Consider LinkedIn recommendations as public gold stars bestowed upon you by friends and colleagues. It is comparable to hearing someone remark, “Hey, I worked with this person, and they’re really good at what they do!”. However, it goes beyond a simple consolation.

These recommendations are quite beneficial since they showcase your achievements, skills, and polished style. Telling people you adore what you do, though, is one thing. It is lot more convincing to have someone else say it.

Furthermore, in the realm of LinkedIn, where networking is essential, possessing an abundance of excellent recommendations may truly set you apart. It goes beyond just enumerating your abilities; it also involves showcasing them from the perspectives of others who have witnessed you in action.

The Anatomy of an Effective LinkedIn Recommendation

A well-crafted, sincere, and personalized LinkedIn endorsement works. Furthermore, ideally, it should consist of three main parts:

  • Introduction: Begin with a clear statement about your professional relationship with the person you’re recommending.
  • Body: Elaborate on their key strengths, achievements, and why they stand out.
  • Conclusion: Conclude with a strong endorsement of their capabilities and a personal touch.

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing LinkedIn Recommendations

1. Start with a Personalized Opening

Firstly, let them know about your professional relationship with them. Then, give the background for your suggestion by mentioning how and how long you’ve known them.

Example: “I had the pleasure of working with John as his supervisor at ABC Corp. for over three years, where he consistently demonstrated exceptional problem-solving skills and leadership abilities.”

2. Highlight Key Strengths and Achievements

Moreover, highlight the person’s top two to three accomplishments or strengths. Provide precise examples to demonstrate these attributes in action.

Example: “Sarah’s ability to manage large-scale projects under tight deadlines was instrumental in the successful launch of our digital marketing campaign, which resulted in a 40% increase in web traffic within the first month.”

3. Personalize with Anecdotes

Add a brief narrative that demonstrates the person’s character, work ethic, or ability to solve problems. Furthermore, this gives your advice greater substance and relatability.

Example: “During a critical project phase, Mark’s innovative approach to streamlining our workflow reduced our project delivery time by 20%, significantly enhancing team productivity and morale.”

4. Endorse with Confidence

Conclude your recommendation with a strong statement of endorsement, expressing confidence in the individual’s abilities and recommending them without reservation.

Example: “I wholeheartedly recommend Emily for any leadership role; her strategic vision and dedication to excellence will be an asset to any organization.”

5. Add a Personal Touch

End your recommendation with a personal note or a highlight of the individual’s character traits that make them a joy to work with.

Example: “Beyond her professional skills, Lisa’s positive attitude and team spirit make her a truly valuable member of any team.”

Crafting Specialized Recommendations

When writing recommendations for individuals in specific roles or industries, tailor your message to reflect relevant skills and experiences that align with their career goals. 

For instance, a recommendation for a software developer might focus on technical expertise, problem-solving skills, and contributions to key projects, while a recommendation for a marketing professional might highlight creativity, strategic thinking, and successful campaigns.

LinkedIn Recommendation Examples

For a manager:

“Working under Michael’s leadership for five years, I’ve witnessed his remarkable ability to steer our team through challenges with grace and determination. His strategic planning and keen insight into market trends significantly contributed to our department’s success, exemplifying visionary leadership.”

For a colleague:

Samantha’s ability to work well with others and her knowledge of graphic design significantly improved the project’s aesthetic appeal. This contribution was a direct factor in the campaign’s victory for “Campaign of the Year.” Her inventiveness and commitment to the team raised the bar for excellence.

For a direct report:

“Alex has consistently exceeded expectations in his role as a customer service representative, demonstrating exceptional empathy and problem-solving skills. His initiative to develop a customer feedback system has dramatically improved our service quality and customer satisfaction ratings.”

Wrapping Up…

It takes talent to write a recommendation on LinkedIn. On the other hand, it demands thoughtfulness, sincerity, and a keen understanding of each person’s strengths and capacities. Following the guidelines in this article will help you produce recommendations that highlight the positive aspects of your coworkers. Additionally, They also help you build your own professional identity on LinkedIn.


1. How long should a LinkedIn recommendation be?

An ideal LinkedIn recommendation is typically between 3 and 5 sentences long. It should be concise enough to keep the reader’s attention while providing sufficient detail to highlight the individual’s strengths and achievements.

2. Can I write a LinkedIn recommendation for someone who hasn’t requested one?

Absolutely. Writing unsolicited recommendations can be a pleasant surprise for the recipient and a great way to strengthen your professional relationship. It’s a thoughtful gesture that showcases your appreciation and support for their skills and contributions.

3. How do I request a LinkedIn recommendation?

To request a recommendation on LinkedIn, navigate to the ‘Recommendations’ section under the ‘Add profile section’ on your profile. Click ‘Ask for a recommendation,’ choose the connection you’d like to ask, and then personalize your request message to encourage a positive response.

4. What should I do if I receive a request to write a recommendation for someone I don’t feel comfortable endorsing?

If you don’t feel confident endorsing someone due to Composing a recommendation on LinkedIn is a skill. It necessitates consideration, genuineness, and an acute awareness of each person’s assets and areas of strength. You can create recommendations that showcase the best qualities of your colleagues by adhering to the rules described in this guide. They also strengthen your own LinkedIn professional brand.lack of experience working with them or other reasons, it’s best to politely decline. You can respond privately, explaining that you don’t feel you have enough firsthand experience with their work to write a meaningful recommendation.

5. Can I edit or delete a LinkedIn recommendation I wrote?

Yes, you may go to your LinkedIn profile’s ‘Given’ area under ‘Recommendations’ and alter or remove a recommendation you’ve made. Furthermore, locate the suggestion that you would want to change, and you will have the ability to add, amend, or erase it.

6. Is it appropriate to offer suggestions or edits to a recommendation someone writes for me?

It’s perfectly acceptable to request minor edits to a recommendation if you believe there’s a factual inaccuracy or a particular achievement that should be included. However, ensure your request is polite and respectful, acknowledging the effort the recommender has made.

7. How often should I update my LinkedIn recommendations?

While there’s no set rule, it’s a good practice to refresh your recommendations every few years or when you make a significant career change. This ensures that your recommendations remain relevant and reflect your current professional skills and achievements.


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