A Checklist for Your Online Interview


Gone are the days when the only way to make a first impression was to walk into an office, firm handshake ready and resume in hand. The digital age has ushered in the era of online interviews, transforming the traditional interview process into a virtual experience. 

While this shift to digital platforms means you can now interview from anywhere in the world, it also brings its own set of hurdles. 

From technical glitches to the challenge of conveying your charisma through a screen, the online interview landscape is fraught with obstacles that can trip up even the most seasoned candidates. 

Recognizing these challenges, here’s a thorough checklist to guide you through every step of your online interview, ensuring you shine brightly and stand out, even from miles away.

Online Interview Checklist

Pre-Interview Preparation

  1. Research the Company

Deeply researching the company you’re interviewing with is the first critical step. Look beyond the surface by exploring their website thoroughly, reading up on their history, understanding their core values, and familiarizing yourself with their products or services. Pay special attention to their “About Us” and “News” sections to gather insights into their culture and recent achievements. This knowledge not only prepares you to answer specific questions about the company but also allows you to tailor your answers to align more closely with their mission and values.

  1. Understand the Job Role

advertisementComprehensively understanding the job description is pivotal. Break down the job advertisement to identify the key skills, responsibilities, and qualifications required. Reflect on your past experiences and prepare to articulate how they align with the role’s demands. Highlighting specific examples where you’ve demonstrated the necessary skills can significantly strengthen your case.

Technical Setup

  1. Check Your Internet Connection

An uninterrupted internet connection is crucial for a smooth online interview experience. Perform speed tests to ensure your connection is reliable and fast enough for video calls. If possible, connect your computer directly to your router using an Ethernet cable to enhance stability. Have a contingency plan, such as a mobile hotspot, should your primary internet connection fail.

  1. Test Your Equipment

A flawless technical setup can significantly impact the interviewer’s first impression. Test your computer’s webcam and microphone to ensure they’re functioning properly. If you’re using an external camera or microphone, check the compatibility and connection with your computer. Conduct a mock video call with a friend or family member on the same platform that will be used for the interview to identify and resolve any potential issues beforehand.

Setting Up Your Interview Space

  1. Choose a Quiet Location

Selecting an appropriate location is vital. Choose a quiet, well-insulated room where you can close the door to minimize interruptions. Inform your housemates or family members about your interview schedule to ensure they do not disturb you during this crucial time.

  1. Ensure Good Lighting

Good lighting can significantly enhance your video presence. Position yourself so that you’re facing a natural light source, such as a window, or use a desk lamp to illuminate your face evenly. Avoid backlighting, as it can make you appear as a silhouette, making it difficult for the interviewer to see you clearly.

  1. Set a Professional Background

Your background conveys much about your professionalism. Opt for a neutral, clutter-free background that won’t distract the interviewer. A plain wall or a tidy, organized space works best. Ensure that the chosen background is consistent with the professional image you wish to project.

During the Interview

  1. Dress Appropriately

Dressing professionally for an online interview is just as important as for an in-person one. Choose attire that reflects the company’s culture of formality if in doubt. Dressing professionally not only influences the interviewer’s perception but also boosts your confidence.

  1. Body Language and Eye Contact

Body language plays a crucial role in communication, even during virtual meetings. Sit up straight, smile, and maintain an open posture to project confidence and enthusiasm. Make “eye contact” by looking directly at the webcam, not the screen, to create a sense of engagement and connection with the interviewer.

  1. Prepare Your Answers

Anticipate common interview questions and rehearse your responses. Focus on structuring your answers using the STAR method (situation, task, action, result) to provide concise, impactful responses. While it’s important to prepare, ensure your delivery remains natural and avoid sounding rehearsed.

  1. Have Questions Ready for the Interviewer

Demonstrate your interest and engagement by preparing thoughtful questions for the interviewer. Inquire about aspects of the role, team dynamics, company culture, or growth opportunities. This not only shows your enthusiasm but also helps you assess if the company and role are a good fit for you.

Post-Interview Steps

  1. Send a Thank-You Email

Following up after the interview with a thank-you email is a polite gesture that can set you apart. Express gratitude for the opportunity, reiterate your interest in the role, and briefly mention a highlight from the interview that reinforced your enthusiasm for the position.

  1. Review Your Performance

Reflect on your interview to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Consider the questions you answered well and those you could have handled better. This reflection is invaluable for enhancing your performance in future interviews.

Wrapping Up…

Remember that acing an online interview goes beyond just showing up. 

It’s about being prepared, from making sure your tech works without a hitch to ensuring you present the best version of yourself. 

This checklist isn’t just a set of tasks; it’s your roadmap to making a memorable impression from behind the screen. 

Follow it closely, and you’ll not only feel more confident but also step closer to landing that job. After all, in the digital interview world, it’s the small details that make the biggest difference.


  • What if my internet connection fails during the interview?

~ Briefly explain the situation to your interviewer and ask for a moment to reconnect. It’s wise to have a backup plan, like a mobile hotspot, ready to switch too quickly. Letting your interviewer know you have a backup plan demonstrates your preparedness and problem-solving skills.

  • How long should my answers be in an online interview?

~ Aim for responses that are clear and to the point, typically lasting around 1 to 2 minutes. It’s important to stay concise to keep the interviewer’s attention, especially in a virtual format where engagement can be more challenging to maintain.

  • Is it okay to refer to notes during my online interview?

~ Yes, it’s acceptable to glance at notes, especially when discussing specific examples or achievements. However, ensure this doesn’t disrupt the flow of conversation or reduce eye contact significantly. Your notes should be brief cues rather than full answers to read from.

  • What are some common online interview mistakes to avoid?

~ Common mistakes include poor lighting, a noisy background, not testing your technology in advance, and a lack of eye contact. Avoid these by preparing your interview space ahead of time, ensuring it’s professional and distraction-free.

Essential Skills for Succeeding in Online Interviews: Tips


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